Virtual reality as a novel approach for dental students’ education – a preliminary survey Aleksandra I. Orlańska, Martyna Czekańska, Dominika Domanowska, Łukasz Zadrożny, study.,Journal of Dentistry, Volume 121, 2022, 103967, ISSN 0300-5712,
Physical workload consequent on wrist and finger positioning in dental hygienists,
Aleksandra I. Orlańska, Łukasz Zadrożny, Waldemar Ćwirzeń,
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Prosthetic Surgical Templates and Dental Implant Site Time Preparation: An In Vitro Study
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Accuracy of Surgical Templates with and without Metallic Sleeves in Case of Partial Arch Restorations: a Systematic Review
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Comparison of Dental Stone Models and Their 3D Printed Acrylic Replicas for the Accuracy and Mechanical Properties
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Potencjał implementacji technologii addytywnych w edukacji studentów kierunku lekarsko-dentystycznego
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Comparison of guided and non-guided implant placement accuracy. In vitro study with 3D printing (Part 1)
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Mechanical strength assessment of aramid, glass and aramid-glass hybrid fibers reinforced dental photopolymer
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Mechanical strength evaluation of poly(methyl methacrylate) reinforced with long glass, carbon and aramid fibers
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Ocena właściwości mechanicznych polimetakrylanu metylu zbrojonego włóknami szklanymi
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A comparative analysis of the artificial occlusal surface formation, conventional Gysi’s method and Biofunctional Prosthetic System in complete dentures
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